Announcing $ID is now LIVE on PancakeSwap. $ID / $BUSD pool is live here:.

19 Jan 2022, 19:31
šŸ“£ Announcing $ID is now LIVE on PancakeSwap $ID / $BUSD pool is live here: BSC Contract: 0x8ea2526C2373BA3fE1D0987F5DB8ac770a42DD51 BSC Bridge: ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” āš ļø WARNING - DO NOT SEND BEP-20 $ID Tokens to EverWallet over the BSC Network. If tokens were swapped on PancakeSwap, YOU ARE CURRENTLY ON BSC TOKENS ON BSC CURRENTLY CANNOT BE DISPLAYED ON EVERWALLET Please utilize our bridge before sending tokens to EverWallet: